Rose’s Kitchen

Mel’s Favourite Angled Loofah Egg Flip

Angled LoofahAngled Loofah Egg Flip


2 angled loofah

6 medium-sized prawns (shelled)

2 eggs (beaten)

1 tbsp minced garlic

2 slices young ginger

30 gm flaked crabmeat (optional)

3 mushrooms (soaked, sliced)

2 tbsp cooking oil


1/4 tsp salt

1 tbsp oyster sauce


1.  Wash angled loofah before paring the skin.  Cut into slices and then into 5 mm strips.

2.  Heat a wok with 2 tbsp cooking oil.  Saute minced garlic and sliced ginger till fragrant. Add in mushroom slices and stir fry for a while before adding prawns and loofah.  Cook till loofah becomes soft then add salt and oyster sauce.

3.  Add crabmeat flakes and drizzle in beaten eggs.  Turn off heat and let egg set well.  Dish up and serve.

January 11, 2007 - Posted by | Vegetables, Bean Curds and Eggs


  1. Hello there Rose
    I came across your blog while doing a search on food online. Great job! Nothing is like home cooked food.

    Just a question on this recipe. The photo shows it being soupy and it is just like how my grandmother used to do it.
    Do I just add water at the end?

    Comment by Cass | February 17, 2008 | Reply

  2. Hi Cass,
    Do not add water or it will be too watery.

    Comment by roseskitchen | February 17, 2008 | Reply

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